Parish Council

The council has the power to raise money through taxation known as the precept. The precept is the Parish Council’s share of the council tax. The precept demand goes to the billing authority, the district council, which collects the tax for the parish council. Parish Councils make all kinds of decisions on issues that affect the local community. Probably the most common topics that Parish Councils get involved with are planning matters, crime prevention, managing open spaces and campaigning for and delivering better services and facilities.


Councillors Contact
Cllr  J. Syers (Chairman) Contact through Clerk
Cllr M. Doyle (Vice-chair) Landline: 01262 488 435
Address: 100 Main Street, N. Frodingham YO25 8LJ
Cllr A. Greaves Landline: 01262 488985
Mobile: 07915 282 020
Address: 11 Cross Lane, N. Frodingham YO25 8JY
Cllr R. Richardson Contact through Clerk
Cllr D. Stead Contact through Clerk
Cllr N. Walker Contact through Clerk
Cllr T. Walker Contact through Clerk
Cllr S. Watson Contact through Clerk

Contact details for the Clerk are: telephone number 01964 623536


Registers of Interests

Registers of Interests can be viewed on the East Riding of Yorkshire Council website:


Representations on External Bodies

Social Centre: Cllr A Greaves represents the Parish Council at the Social Centre meetings


Delegated Duties

Noticeboards:  Cllrs J Syers and S Watson
Cemetery:  Cllrs A Greaves and J Syers


Working Groups

Working groups are informal groups of Councillors who work together and make recommendations to full Council, who is responsible for any decisions.

Personnel: Cllrs J Syers and M Doyle
Village Improvement: Cllrs M Doyle, T Walker and N Walker.  The Village Improvement Group explores ways of improving the physical image and appearance of the village and researches available funding grants.


Planning Applications

The Clerk is authorised to submit comments against planning applications on behalf of the Parish Council, after consultation with members, where the deadling is before the next Parish Council meeting.
