Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) Consultaton

Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD) Consultaton

Added on 31 January 2025

East Riding of Yorkshire Council is inviting conmments on two draft Supplementary Planning Documents (SPDs): the draft Open Space SPD and the draft Housing Needs SPD. Once adopted, the SPDs will become a material consideration in determining planning applications in the East Riding.

The draft SPDs, supporting documents, and response forms can be found on the Council’s website, at:, under the headings 'Is there any guidance on providing new housing?' and 'Is there any guidance on the provision of new open space as part of new developments?'.  Hard copies of the documents are also available to view at East Riding Customer Service Centres and Libraries during normal opening hours throughout the consultation period.

To respond to the consultation, please fill out the online survey form relevant to the SPD you wish to comment on, available at the above links. Alternatively, you can complete the downloadable response form which is also available on the website and return it by email to or by post to: Forward Planning (AS67), East Riding of Yorkshire Council, County Hall, Cross Street, Beverley, East Riding of Yorkshire, HU17 9BA.

The consultation period begins on Friday 31st January, and comments on the documents should be received by 11.59pm on Friday 14th March 2025

< Local Government Standards Consultation